Hello turtle dove! Welcome to Save Our Happy Place, your trusted resource for consistently warming up your climate activism vocalizer. Whether you spend the holiday season frolicking with friends, cozying up with loved ones, or festing with family, this time of year drums up many an opportunity to talk about climate change. While it may not be the convos we want to be having, they’re definitely the convos we need to be having.
So here are a few quick tips to make climate talk simple and 3 climate actions to keep the conversation going with lawmakers.
Talk Climate To Me
What’s the Best Tactic to Take On Climate Change?
Great question… We all have our own unique strengths and skill sets to contribute to the climate movement. But if your current job or hobbies don’t gravitate around climate and sustainability, there is one super powerful and important thing you can do:
Talk to people about climate change.
However clear the path forward may seem to some of us idealists/optimists, change is incremental and takes time. There will not be a saving grace moment where the world pivots. If one impassioned speech could change the world overnight, we wouldn’t need this newsletter.
The more we talk about climate change, the more people will be comfortable with the subject and the more people will know about it. The more people know the more they can be mindful about everything they do from buying groceries to voting, to invoking climate activism.
The Good News:
The number of Americans who believe in global warming outnumber those who don’t by 76% versus 12%. So chances are your friends and family are also concerned about climate change and may want to talk about it with you.
Only 35 percent of Americans are talking about climate change regularly, so there is ample room to broach the subject.
Still Worried About Having the Talk?
Whether you have climate change deniers on your hands or just want to go into the conversation with a bit more confidence, check out these tips on how to talk about climate change this holiday season.
Tell Reps to Save Our Winter Wonderlands
Talking to friends & family isn’t the only way to make an impact on the climate, letting the government & elected representatives know how you feel is important too.
Save Cook Inlet, Alaska from 40 Years of Oil & Gas Drilling
What? Sign a petition demanding that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management stops Big Oil and Gas from destroying Cook Inlet, Alaska.
Why? If Cook Inlet is sold to Big Oil and Gas, it’ll lock the area into 40 more years of fossil fuel pollution.
How? Click link to sign petition. (Estimated Time 1 Minute)
Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling
What? Send a message to your representative asking them to cosponsor the Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling Act (H.R. 544)
Why? The Arctic Ocean is one of the most pristine and fragile places left on the planet. It is home to an array of endangered species.
How? Click link to send message. (Estimated Time 1 Minute)
Help prevent illegally deforested products from entering US markets.
What? Send a message to your senators and congressmen asking them to support The FOREST Act that would require companies to confirm their products aren’t produced using illegal deforestation.
Why? Most of the global deforestation by commercial agriculture is illegal—fueling corruption, criminality, and violations of worker and community rights.
How? Click link to send message. (Estimated Time 1 Minute)
Not Your Average Resolution
Make Climate Action Your New Year’s Resolution with Us
The new year is upon us, which means resolution time! Instead of your standard New Year self-deprivation, how about doing something good for yourself and the planet? As part of this newsletter, we will provide you with weekly climate action and sustainability tips to easily weave into your life. The best part: the whole Save Our Happy Place community will be doing this with you!
How to take part in the Climate Resolution Challenge:
Subscribe to our weekly newsletter: If you haven’t already, subscribe now so you won't miss a beat.
Grab an accountability partner: Now that we are actively telling our loved ones to grab a reusable bottle, let’s take this one step further. Grab an accountability partner to take this challenge with you, making it more fun and more impactful.
Sign Your Friends Up for the Climate Resolution Challenge Below
Let us know how it’s going: Check-In #ClimateChallege and tag @SaveOurHappyPlace. We’d love to see how you’re taking on the challenge and making it your own. This is also a great opportunity to inspire others to take climate action.
Some Rays of Sunshine
The Headlines We’re Happy to See
Clean-Up efforts of London's Thames River, once biologically dead, have resulted in a myriad of new diverse wildlife. - Read More
New York rejects two new gas power plants as inconsistent with climate laws. - Read More
Millions of coral babies suggest the Great Barrier Reef can recover from climate change. - Read More
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If you enjoy making waves against climate change with us, please consider supporting our efforts by donating through Patreon.
If you would like to contribute to Save Our Happy Place or volunteer your time & skill set, please let us know.